Sam showed Sherry a photo of a dust collection system. A bonnet on top of a trash can. After a trip to the fabric store for Sherry and the home improvement store for Sam...this is what we came up with. It attaches to the planer at less than half the cost of the store-bought item.
...this could very well have been Sam's very first piece. He made this rolling pin for his mother out of a cedar fence post. One of the adult sponsors of his church youth group had a lathe. There's no telling how many pie crusts were rolled out with this.
Sherry put in a request for a pizza peel. She makes our bread and tried several different ways to slide it off the rising surface onto the hot pizza stone in the oven. Even with the rising surface covered with a generous layer of corn meal, the dough still managed to stick to every surface she tried. The she thought about a pizza peel. First she pulled out her wood cutting board, covered the surface with corn meal, and placed the bread dough in the center to rise. A couple of hours later, it slid just perfectly onto the hot pizza stone.
Eureka! After a bit of web surfing, she sent a link to Sam and said, "I want one of these... ...with a tapered end." Ta-da! Sister-in-law, Carol, asked where hers was. ;o)
Next project was a wall-mount shelf unit. Notice the sand paper shelves in the lower left hand section. FINALLY! A vacuum that fits a man's hands!! ;o)
Sam has had the drill press since the end of 2000. Sherry's dad died. Her mother and youngest brother gave Sam the drill press. Sam made the base to put it at the correct height. He purchased the table saw from his younger brother. Gave it a good cleaning, painted the extension table, then waxed it. He mounted a board to one pair of the legs, then added casters to make it portable. We'll call this the First Stage. The drill press, a metal cabinet Sam plans to clean out and repaint. His old work bench. Tool box. Portable workbench. Stationary workbench.